Monday, March 30, 2015

Chapter 10: Blog Post-Global Communication

How do I currently use my global communication skills, and what skills can I improve?”...Honestly I do not think that I use a lot of global communication skills. My job only requires emails, and telephone calls within the Department where I work. I do not speak to anyone that is not already familiar with the daily operations of the Department. I think that I would have to practice and improve greatly on all my communication skills!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Social Media Lawsuit

The social media lawsuits that I read about mainly involved Facebook and posting of pictures and "thoughts." A company was in a case dealing with an customer who posted angry vents about the company; another was where a Supervisor was fired about posting about dishonesty among employees. People need to realize that social media is truly the best and worst thing that has open in recent years. Many employees will search a person's social media sites in order to get a sense of the person. I think that everyone should be more mindful--that yes--other people will be looking at your post and pictures and basing judgment among you by them. To sue another person over a thought/opinion that was expressed on social media--I think is going a little too far. First Amendment does give us the right to freedom of speech.

WE #4 / Teamwork

Teamwork, is when two or more people come together with thoughts and ideas and complete a project. Working as a team will make a tasks seem a lot easier then having to work on it individually. Many supervisors will place a person who is a leader and can work well with others, as the "captain" when determining who is to do what on a project.

Work Ethic #6 / I just made a new Voki. See it here:

I just made a new Voki. See it here::

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Verbal Communication

Verbal communication skills are important for me to have as an administrative professional for the following reasons. . .”    

Verbal communication skills are important simply because we all have to communicate in order to get anything done. Communication is the KEY to all success--personal or business. Verbal communications are words that are spoken--and written. Listen is also a skill that goes along with communication skills.

  • able to take effective notes
  • able to compose letters and memos
  • send emails
  • leave detailed voice messages

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Written Communication

This chapter has helped me recognize that I can strengthen my written communication in the following ways.--- Proofread and do not write when I am upset! I realize that often times if I get upset or aggravated and have to write, I can tell that my attitude comes through in the words and structure that I use. Also, I need to proofread better, and be more precise when I am trying to get someone to understand how to do something. I realize that I will tell someone that "this needs to be done" but not telling them how to do it, just in case they do not know.

Work Ethic- RESPECT

Respect is defined as a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. I agree with that, but I think that respect goes further than just admiration. I may not necessary like a person, but I will still respect them or the title that they hold. The old saying--to get respect, you have to give respect!--is so true. You have to treat me, the same way you want to be treated regardless of the situation. Respect will take people a long way in life and business, because respect is HIGH on a lot of peoples ethic standards.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Week 9 / File Managment

What is the distinction between a file and a folder? A file is defined as a document that holds information. A folder is defined as a placement that contains files. As far as file and folders are concerned when it comes to computers--the icons will help you determine between the two. A file will have the icon for which the document was created in---word, excel, access, etc. A folder icon will be one that looks like a folder.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

WE #2 - Attendance

Attendance is defined as the action or state of being present. Your attendance speaks volumes for your work ethic and how much you care about your fellow co-workers. As an employee, you have to be present in order to complete tasks that are assigned to you as an individual, or to help out on a team project. Employers look at people with a great attendance record as dependable and trustworthy, and this will be the people who move forward in their career.

I can honestly say that I do work on my assigned schedule days, but I sometimes have the habit of being late. Lateness reflects on my attendance because I often get told by my supervisors "better late then not at all!" So, for myself I need to work on being on time!